Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's a blizzard!

It is the most amazing day! You should see the amount of snow that is descending upon us at an extremely rapid pace, we have about 3 inches now with 12 more on the way. I got a snow day today (and maybe tomorrow too!) and am very pleased to be snug inside with hot tea and the most adorable and exhausted dog. He and two of his buddies, Charlie and Jacoby met this morning for a romp on the beach. Susie and I had a nice stroll taking in the peace and solitude of this beautiful beach we are so fortunate to live right beside.
I am happy to be back inside preparing to put on my favorite paisley apron and whip up a white cake with vanilla pudding hidden inside. The sheer delight of a snowy day in Maine is just too much to handle, I may make some Mexican hot chocolate to accompany that cake!

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